File Sharing

File sharing is public or private sharing of data in a network with separate levels of accessibility. Depending on the accessibility permissions, file sharing allows a select number of people to read, view or edit the file based on the level of authority the file sharer has provided. File sharing services typically allocate a certain amount of file storage per user per account.

A.a File transfer protocol programs (FTP):

The most common file transfer system on the internet to date is known as the File Transfer Protocol or FTP. FTP is used to access or edit files among a set number of users with a password. The users can then gain access to the files shared from an FTP server site. Many FTP sites offer public file sharing or allow users to view or download files using a public password.

A.b Peer-to-peer networks:

Peer-to-peer networking involves computer hardware and software to communicate without the need for a central server. This type of file sharing indicates the direction of digital files over a p2p network where the files are located on one’s computer and shared with other members rather than on the main server.

A.c Removable storage media:

This involves anything that can be removable from a device or computer. The user can transfer or insert files from their device onto the removable storage media and then physically hand it to whomever they would like to share the files with. These can include an FTP server for security purposes, asking for a valid login and password from others to allow access.

A.d Online file sharing services:

Online file sharing services include web services that allow users to store or share data on the internet for personal or professional use. One member may upload photos, documents, PDFs, etc. to an online file sharing platform which allows others to download these files using the same platform.


panda November 13,2019 2:29 PM>.from

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